On The Crush List because…

Before there were cat videos…

Dog Pointy

Dogs are all over the Antique Show.  Dealer dogs, shoppers’ dogs, the occasional box of puppies for sale, and of course, there’s the dog art.  Want to take a short walk together, accompanied by some haiku poetry I’ve found?

Dogs Chihuahua

My human is home! / I am so ecstatic I / Have made a puddle

Dog Downward

How do I love thee? / The ways are numberless as / My hairs on the rug

Dog Raleigh

I sound the alarm! / Mail carrier come to kill us all / Look! Look! Look! Look! Look!

Dog Tongues

I am your best friend / Now, always, and especially / When you are eating

Dog Wall

I love my master; / Thus I perfume myself with / This long rotten mouse

Dog Westie Box