On The Crush List because…

“They blended religion and art and science because, at base, science is no more than an investigation of a miracle we can never explain, and art is an interpretation of that miracle.”

Ray Bradbury

Map of the Painted Churches of Fayette County



If ever a picture was worth thousands of my words, it’s now.

And really, isn’t what we all need most just a quiet moment of sanctuary?

So here are my photos from St. Mary Catholic Church in High Hill, aka the Queen of the Painted Churches, and I’ll leave the explaining to what’s already been said.

St Mary Ceiling

Painted Churches Alter

Painted Churches Fan

Painted Churches Pieta

Painted Churches Stained Glass

Painted Churches Preserved

Painted Churches Old New

Painted Churches Holy Water

Painted Churches Frames

Painted Churches Entry

Painted Churches Sidewalk

St Marys Steeple

St Marys Gift Shop