The Jersey Picker • Texas Rose Field, Round Top TX

On The Crush List because…

He’s offbeat & off the beaten path.

Jersey P Painting's Sold

Randy gets around. And back around.  And around again. New Jersey to Texas to California to Alabama to New Jersey and then up and down and around again from there.  He’s a true backroads traveler and one of the most enjoyable Instagramsters I follow.  During the Antique Show he somehow manages to come to a complete stop for a few weeks to set up shop at the Texas Rose Field. His funky little building is a curiosity cabinet of of carefully picked and plucked travel souvenirs that reflect his idiosyncratic take on the world. What a Wunderkammer!

Jersey P Uchee Mermaid

Jersey P Baby Doll Parts

Jersey P Toe Slipper

Have you ever heard of a Flux Kit?  Maybe you call it a Fluxus Box. Maybe?  I got all worked up a few years ago when I stumbled upon the mazy details of the 1960’s NYC art world’s Fluxus Movement. As you might expect of a 1960’s NYC art movement, it encompassed life’s entire enchilada: art, music, film, architecture, culture, commerce, performance art, publishing, Yoko Ono, John Cage, Marcel Duchamp, clear plastic suitcases, and a ‘let’s switch our clothes during the ceremony’ wedding.

If The Jersey Picker’s  slightly subversive, terrifically exuberant art-is-what-is assemblages tickle your fancy you might want to take a little Google Voyage yourself through the absolutely fascinating and inspirational Fluxus landscape.  It’s a long and deep road that’ll take some time to travel and I know you may be kind of busy right now, so just so I don’t leave you hanging, distracted all day wondering what the heck a Flux Kit is, here’s just a snippet of the Wikipedia description:

The second flux-anthology, the Fluxkit (late 1964), collected together early 3D work made by the collective in a businessman’s case, an idea borrowed directly from Duchamp’s Boite en ValiseWithin a year, plans for a new anthology, Fluxus 2, were in full swing to contain Flux films (with hand held projectors provided), disrupted matchboxes and postcards by Ben Vautier, plastic food by Claes Oldenburg, FluxMedicine by Shigeko Kubota, and artworks made of rocks, ink stamps, outdated travel tickets, undoable puzzles and a machine to facilitate humming. 

To facilitate humming!!

Jersey P Corner Cowboy

Jersey P Corner Art

Jersey P Mugs

Jersey P House

Jersey P Platypus

Jersey P Brushes

Jersey P Lady Liberty

Jersey P Pounders

Jersey P Call Randy

Rohan Meadery • Oldenburg, TX

On The Crush List because…

Oh, honey.

Rohan Full Menu

Mead.  You probably don’t say that word very often.  Unless of course you’re an Assassin’s Creed gamer.  Or a Harry Potterhead.  Or a Renaissance Faire performer.  Or a Ringer.  Or one of those folks with a particular interest in the life and times of Pliny the Elder.

Rohan Viking Hat

Now I’m in trouble.  With every intention to write about mead, I’ve once again spun myself all off on a research tangent. Pliny the Elder is fascinating! Did you know that he died trying to save people from the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius? And that he basically invented the encyclopedia?  Heck, he kind of invented the whole Internet if you really think about it.  But who even knows this?  Perhaps if his parents had named him Leonardo Da Vinci instead of Pliny he’d be getting the recognition he very clearly deserves.

Rohan Awards

Rohan Serving Area

Rohan Hive Display

Rohan Gifts

Rohan Mead Fest

For all of us who love our interior design, here’s an interesting nugget:  Pliny the Younger (the Elder’s nephew) was a wealthy lawyer who amassed a collection of elaborate villas during his lifetime, including two on George Clooney’s Lake Como.  If you need any inspiration for the design of a hippodrome or a cryptoporticus, or if your client just saw Foxcatcher  and has asked you to build her a duPontian xystus, you’re going to want to get your hands on the Garden Letters of P the Y.

Rohan Chandelier

Rohan Entry Door

Rohan Mural

Now back to mead.  Next time you’re out in the Round Top neighborhood, please take the side road over to the Rohan Meadery.  Even better, like them on FB and when they post a live music event mark it on your calendar.  Bring the kids. And the camera.  Wear costumes.  Or not.  Skol!

Rohan Patio

Rohan Playground

Rohan Wide Patio

Rohan Open